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COVID-19 Safety Guidelines

To ensure everyone’s safety, please note that the class format has changed. Below are the new class format and guidelines. Please read them carefully before signing up for the classes.


Class Size

The class size will be limited to a maximum of 6 students, and they will be seated 6′ apart.


Class Location

All classes, including the ones that were previously held at the McKinney Art House, will be held at Tanigawa Studio until further notice.


Safety Procedure for All Students

  • If you or any family member in your household are exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms, please do not attend the class. Email or text me immediately to notify the absence

  • Everyone who enters the classroom will be asked to wash their hands in the hallway bathroom with soap before the class starts

  • To ensure the safety of others, wearing a face mask is recommended but not required. 

  • I have hand sanitizer, but my supply is very limited. Please consider bringing your own hand sanitizer or washing your hands in the hallway bathroom


Maximum of 7 people in the studio

  • To avoid having too many people in the studio at once, parents are asked to pick up their students outside the studio

  • You may attend the class only by appointment. Please do not attend the class unannounced to maintain an accurate count of the class

  • Parents and students who wish to speak to me before or after class in person will need to set up an appointment via email to prevent having more than 7 people in the classroom and to ensure thorough disinfecting in between classes. If the communication can be done via email, please email me instead.


Keeping the classroom safe

  • To ensure adequate time for cleaning and disinfecting between classes, please do not enter the classroom earlier than 5 minutes before the class starts. I will be asking students to start packing away 5 minutes before the class ends. Parents, please pick up your child promptly and on time

  • To accommodate cleaning time, the Saturday late afternoon class will start 5 minutes later, from 3:45-5:45

  • Until further notice, no art supplies will be shared. Please bring your own pencil sharpener, graphite pencils, eraser, ruler, and other supplies. Drawing paper and tracing paper will still be supplied. Students, please don’t share art supplies with others unless you live in the same household!

  • If you are in the high-risk group and/or do not feel comfortable taking the class in person, please consider taking my online art class


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